9th District FGCNYS, Inc.
is pleased to partner with
New York State Department of Transportation
for the
I-684 Beautification Project
The Clubs of the 9th District and the NYSDOT will be partnering to create a wildflower meadow at the I-684 Bedford Rest Stop! The meadow will not only improve the views for passing motorists, but will provide important pollinator & wildlife habitat!
The NYSDOT will begin seeding the 1-acre site in the fall of this year. The area will be maintained yearly by the NYSDOT. Our District Clubs are providing the seed mix. Next year in 2022, we hope to expand the meadow with native trees and with bird houses designed and donated by our Clubs!
For more info contact project coordinators:
Miriam Yekutiel & Jacqui Bergonzi